Under Review

“Fratricidal Coercion in Modern War.” With Yuri Zhukov. pdf.

“Prolonged Contact Does Not Reshape Locals’ Attitudes toward Migrants in Wartime Settings: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan.” With Yang-Yang Zhou. pdf.

“Preregister Your Ethical Redlines: Vulnerable Populations, Policy Engagement, and the Perils of E-Hacking.” pdf.

Work in Progress

Book Manuscripts

1. Wars Within Wars: Lessons from the American War in Afghanistan (under contract, Princeton University Press).

2. Improving Humanitarian Assistance in Violent Settings: Evidence from Crossnational Experiments.


I. Inequality and War

“When Armies Break: Inequality and Mass Desertion in Modern War.” pdf

“Inequality, Regime Type, and the Wartime Fate of Political Leaders.”

“Social Structures and Wartime Coalitions.”

II. Aid and Violence in Conflict Settings

“Group Rights in an Era of Large-Scale Field Experiments.” pdf. 

“Civilian Casualties and the Conditional Effects of Humanitarian Aid on Combatant Support in Wartime.”

“Bombing to Lose? Airpower and the Dynamics of Violence in Counterinsurgency Wars.” pdf. appendix.

“Estimating Spatial Treatment Effects: An Application to Base Closures and Aid Delivery in Afghanistan.” With Kosuke Imai, Yuki Shiraito, and Xiaolin Yang. AidData Working Paper Series No.63. Link

“Wartime POW Abuse and the Rise of Postwar Insurgencies.” With Geoff Wallace. pdf.